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chat sex5 《期间》揭晓2017年度东说念主物:性参差丑闻“摧毁千里默者”

chat sex5 《期间》揭晓2017年度东说念主物:性参差丑闻“摧毁千里默者”

好意思国《期间》周刊近日揭晓2017年度东说念主物,这项盛誉被授予那些勇于“摧毁千里默”,揭露性参差和性侵的女性。据报说念chat sex5,《期间》的这一评比举止与好莱坞金牌制片东说念主哈维•韦恩斯坦曝出的性侵丑闻有密切关联。


Time magazine has named "The Silence Breakers," representing people who came forward to report sexual misconduct, as its Person of the Year. 好意思国《期间》周刊近日揭晓2017年度东说念主物,主动揭露性参差和性侵事件的“摧毁千里默者”当选。

It's a recognition of the cultural reckoning this year and the #MeToo movement, which represents the people, mostly women, who have fueled a worldwide discussion about sexual harassment and assault. 这是对本年的文化反想以及“我亦然”畅通的招供。参与“我亦然”畅通的东说念主们在全球领域内掀翻了针对性参差和性侵事件的大参谋,其中大广博参与者是女性。

"This reckoning appears to have sprung up overnight. But it has actually been simmering for years, decades, centuries," Time's story said. 《期间》周刊在筹划年度东说念主物的报说念中说:“这种反想似乎整宿之间就露出出来,但在几年,几十年,几百年来其实就一直蓄势待发。”

"These silence breakers have started a revolution of refusal, gathering strength by the day, and in the past two months alone, their collective anger has spurred immediate and shocking results: nearly every day, CEOs have been fired, moguls toppled, icons disgraced. In some cases, criminal charges have been brought." “摧毁千里默者开启了一场远离立异,每天王人在集中力量。仅在曩昔两个月,她们共同的肝火就还是促成了径直且令东说念主惧怕的恶果“实在每天王人有首席延伸官被罢黜、大佬应声倒下、偶像遭贬斥。在一些案例中,还有东说念主被告状。”

Time's editor-in-chief, Edward Felsenthal, announced the pick Wednesday morning on NBC's "Today." 《期间》周刊主编爱德华•费尔森塔尔周三在好意思国世界播送公司的《当天》节目中公布了这一恶果。

"It became a hashtag, a movement, a reckoning," Felsenthal wrote in an explanation published on Time's website. "But it began, as great social change nearly always does, with individual acts of courage." 费尔森塔尔在发表在《期间》周刊网站上的一封信中讲明说念:“这成为一个标签、一场畅通、一次反想。但它发祥于充满勇气的个东说念主行动,伟大的社会变化大王人如斯初始。”

The choice was inspired in part by the #MeToo hashtag, which was created more than a decade ago by the activist Tarana Burke. It took off last month when a slew of high-profile men were publicly accused of sexual misconduct, beginning with Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. 《期间》选择“摧毁千里默者”算作年度东说念主物部分是受到“我亦然”标签举止的启发。“我亦然”标签是在十几年前由举止家塔拉那•伯克发起的。在上月,由于多位男性名东说念主被公开责骂有性参差步履,“我亦然”标签使用量暴增,这些王人始自好莱坞制作主说念主哈维•韦恩斯坦性侵事件曝光。

The actor Alyssa Milano tweeted the phrase in mid-October, telling her followers: "If you've been sexually harassed or assaulted write 'me too' as a reply to this tweet." When she woke up the next day, more than 30,000 people had used #metoo, according to Time. 女星艾丽莎•米兰诺十月中旬在推特上发起“我亦然”话题,并告诉粉丝:“若是你曾遭遇性参差和性侵,就回应这条推文,写下‘我亦然’。”据《期间》周刊报说念,第二天她睡醒后,发现存疏淡三万东说念主使用了这个标签。


After The New York Times and The New Yorker published accusations of sexual harassment and assault against Weinstein, many more women and some men came forward with allegations against others -- including actor Kevin Spacey, comedian Louis C.K. and former NBC anchor Matt Lauer. 在《纽约时报》和《纽约客》发表了控诉韦恩斯坦性参差和性侵的报说念后,越来越多的女性站出来指认其他性侵者,包括男星凯文•史派西、笑剧演员路易斯•C•K和也曾担任好意思国世界播送公司主合手东说念主的马特•劳尔。挺身而出进行揭露的还有一些男性。

Time also pointed to other women who called attention to problems all year long. 《期间》还报说念了几位在本年敕令各人关切这一问题的女性。

In February, the engineer Susan Fowler alleged pervasive sexism and sexual harassment during the year she worked at Uber. The ride-hailing company launched an investigation afterward and fired 20 employees based on its findings. 本年二月,工程师苏珊•福勒控诉称在优步公司职责时间遭到广博的性别腻烦和性参差。优步公司随后张开探访,并把柄探访恶果罢黜了20名职工。

And in August, pop superstar Taylor Swift won a court case against a former radio host she accused of groping her in 2013. Her testimony was widely covered. 本年八月,流行歌手泰勒•斯威夫特在控告又名前电台主合手2013年参差她的讼事中胜诉。她的证词被媒体广为传播。


"Going to court to confront this type of behavior is a lonely and draining experience, even when you win, even when you have the financial ability to defend yourself," Swift told Time. "Even though awareness is higher than ever about workplace sexual harassment, there are still so many people who feel victimized, afraid and silenced by their abusers and circumstances." 斯威夫特告诉《期间》说:“到法庭上直面这种罪恶是一种孑然且让东说念主千辛万苦千辛万苦人困马乏的资历。即便打赢了讼事,即便你有经济实力为我方狡辩,亦然如斯。尽管当前东说念主们对职责时局性参差的雄厚进步了,但还有那么多受害者,她们发怵骚动者,对周围环境也感到担忧,因此保合手千里默。”

The Time cover features five women, including Fowler, Swift and the actor Ashley Judd, who accused Weinstein of misconduct. 《期间》周刊的封面上有五位女性,包括福勒、斯威夫特和控诉韦恩斯坦性参差的阿什利•贾德。

It also includes Adama Iwu, a corporate lobbyist from Sacramento, California, who said she was groped in front of colleagues, according to Time. 封面上还有来自好意思国加州萨克拉门托的企业说客阿达玛•伊乌。据《期间》周刊报说念,伊乌称我方在共事眼前被营私作弊。

A fifth woman, using the pseudonym Isabel Pascual, is a strawberry picker who was harassed by a man who threatened to harm her and her children, the magazine said. 第五位女性使用了假名伊莎贝尔•帕斯奎尔。《期间》报说念说,她是一位草莓采摘者,遭到男性性参差,还被要挟会伤害她和孩子。

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